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About Us

Infrastructure for Shared Ownership and "Assets in Common"


Infrastructure for Shared Ownership is a research project by Common Trust and Purpose Foundation (US), exploring how interconnected networks of enterprises can foster economic resilience, generate shared upside, and provide a viable alternative to the extractive economy.


Our team of experts has written the book "Assets in Common" after six months of in-depth research, presenting diverse models of shared ownership infrastructure in action. From multi-stakeholder cooperative ecosystems to complementary currencies, these stories demonstrate the power of collaboration and collective stewardship. "Assets in Common" not only identifies what's working at scale but also provides a roadmap for what's needed next. 


To learn more about this project, check out Episode One of the Assets in Common interview series:


Our authors have decades of hands-on industry experience. They have come together as a group of subject matter experts to assemble stories and success factors of connective infrastructure between companies, communities, real estate or funds. To connect and pursue these ideas further, please reach out to individual team members or our partner organizations. Click on a photo to learn more.


Common Trust supports business owners to exit to their employees and community. Purpose Foundation is the home of steward ownership work in the United States. This project was funded by One Project, and Purpose Foundation.

Common Trust is the industry leader in business succession and exit transitions to Employee Ownership Trusts (EOTs). They have managed transactions of assets worth over $250 million, creating more than 1,000 employee owners. Common Trust directed and supervised the research, identifying the needs of the sector, as well as providing back office services.

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Purpose Foundation has helped businesses and communities shift over $250M in assets into equitable ownership and governance models. Purpose led the strategic development of this research project, and financial support.


One Project partners with practitioners to nurture a just transition to a regenerative democratic economy. One Project was the generous backer that made this project possible.

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